I don't really mind cleaning too much, with one exception-dishes (ugh)... Through the years I've developed my little motivation methods. For instance, I have to be dressed for the day, no Pj's or any super comfy clothes. Dressed for the day is including shoes, real shoes--not flip flops. Not sure why, but having tennis shoes on give me an extra burst of energy! I also have to pull out everything I need-- Rags, cleaner (pine-sol being my favorite), newspaper for mirrors, bucket, scrub-brushes etc... Otherwise, in my quest to get everything "as I go" often causes me to get distracted.
My greatest motivator though, is Music! Years ago I would listen to the radio, and clean, then I started listening to my zune. However, the zune is too distracting, I'm always worried about dropping it in the sink, or toilet as I clean, or switching the songs. So I burned a "Cleaning CD", and I recently vowed to clean the house once a day throughout the CD. Meaning even if I am "done" before the CD ends, I have to find something to do for the remaining time. The CD is about an hour and 15 minutes long. The clean 'till it's over rule has saved me from letting things like organizing our closet from becoming a huge job. Also little things that are often missed, like cleaning our shower curtain finally get the attention they need.
My cleaning playlist includes
Be With You--Mr. Big
Mr. Brightside--The Killers
The Motown Song-- Rod Stewart
Stayin' Alive-- The Beegees
Jumpin' In The House Of God--World Wide Message Tribe (yeah, the laughing stock of Christian music)
Pretty much anything that has a good beat works for me. I also throw in an occasional sermon, Mars Hill, or even sometimes from my own church.
I'm trying to find a "laundry rhythm" because it seems like laundry in our house tends to become out of hand if I'm not **constantly** on top of it. That's just one of the reasons I'm growing out of apartment life. Not having a washer/dryer, or a dishwasher makes chores a million times worse! It's also hard to set a "laundry day" because you never know if the washers and dryers will be free on the day you decide to do it. Plus being the germ-a-phobe that I am, the idea of washing my clothes where strangers wash is hard for me. I know that's a little over-the-top, but I can't help but think about it. So we usually do it at Matt's parents, it just ends up being an all-day job. I want to be able to throw clothes in, and do them more at my own convenience. Matt is great though, he likes doing his own laundry. Though Now that he's working, and going to school, I feel like it's my job to take care of it.
I recently read a book called "The Heart of a Homemaker". Because I do most of my work from home, I feel like I am more responsible for the upkeep of it. While sometimes I don't get everything done because I do have my job, and often times it's unpredictable, I'm striving to live by the principles of this book.
The Heart of the Homemaker
-I will get up before my family, in order to prepare myself spiritually and physically.
(this one has been really hard for me. I used to be a super early riser, but that that I have sleep issues, it's tough)
-I will prepare breakfast for my family and sit with them while they eat.
(something we rarely do, but I would love to make it a daily habit)
-I will work diligently to send every member of my family off in a good mood.
-I will consult my husband every day to see if there is anything special he wants me to do for him. (I love serving Matt in this way. He loves it too!)
-I will keep a neat and orderly home.
-I will respond positively.
-I will meet my husband’s needs.
-I will put my husband before my children.
(we don't have children, but I'm trying to practice putting him before my "tasks")
I will personally meet and greet each family member as he or she returns home.
I Will be predictably happy.
I will prepare special, good food for my family.
I will make dinner a special time.
I will grow DAILY in the areas of Lord, marriage, family, and homemaking.
I'm content with the position I have, and consider it such a privilege that I get to be at home so much. Even though it seems like my work never ends (note: laundry), I'm just glad to be able to relax with Matt at the end of the day, and not have to worry about finding time for the chores.