Alright, so I've been posting a lot of "heavy" blogs. I want to lighten it up a bit!
10. Being alone. It doesn't happen very often, but I may or may not occasionally encourage people out of the house for a few minutes of "me" time. I'm most productive when I'm alone. Sometimes I crank up the music and do housework, lay on the couch and watch whatever I want on TV, or catch up on work-- silently.
9. Reality TV. Yes, I am a fan of reality TV. Especially those super cheesy TLC ones. Little people on crack, and people that have 100 kids. Let's not forget "half-ton virgin", and "I didn't know I was pregnant". Amazing! I get super into it too. It has even rubbed off on Matt... :-)
8. Crafts. I am a crafty girl. I've been known to frequent the Martha Stewart website, and am secretly jealous of her mad crafty skills. I get together with some older women once a month and do beading, and make cards. Soon I'll be off to the bingo hall with them every Friday night... ha ha!
7. Blogging/writing. I've just started getting back into this blog, but I sometimes come and blog, and just don't post them. I've been quite honest here, but I do have some things I keep private. I still like to write it out though. I also love the do freelance writing projects. I've been published a few times, and I actually have a big article coming up that I'm excited about. Writing is so freeing!
6. The Internet. Love it. Hate it. I love information, and having that information at my fingertips day and night is like crack for me. But what a time-suck! Seriously! I'm learning to never google any medical symptom, because it will tell you you're dying, and whomever invented Facebook, and all these stupid facebook games that suck me in, well they should be locked away... ;-)
5. Long baths. I'm a stress case. We have a lot of craziness around us. My favorite way to unwind is a long hot bath. Even better if it's in a dark bathroom, with a deep bathtub, and an unlimited supply of hot water! Not so good is when you try this very tired, and you wake up in a bath of cold water two hours later... true story! I still think about the huge jacuzzi spa at the Jackson Casino hotel. We went and saw Michael Bolton in concert there (the trip was free... we're not Michael Bolton fans...lol). The tub was in the room, and huge. with jets, and the water came out HOT! Ahhh. Heaven!
4. Chinese Food. I crave Chinese food daily. Chop Chop in Lodi being the most craved! I don't often give in, but sometimes I crave it so badly that I can't help it! I don't really crave anything else. I think Matt secretly hopes that when we have kids, I'll have pregnancy cravings that will suit his tastes better then Chinese food does. For now though, he tolerates it-- because he loves me! :-)
3. Stormy weather. I love me a good storm. I pray for rain, and nothing excites me more then a "winter storm warning". If the power goes off, and thunder shakes the whole house, it's even better! Last week when it snowed (as light, and fleeting as it was) it was like Christmas came early for me. Of course, I do realize that snow is a novelty for me because I've never lived in it. The longest time I've ever spent in the snow was a long weekend, and I remember being tired of it by the end. Looking outside right now, watching the rain come down makes my heart smile!
2. Baking. It's my anti-drug. I don't have much of a sweet tooth, but there is something incredibly satisfying about baking goodies. It's made for a happy husband too. He loves sweets. I even get goodie requests from his co-workers, which I am happy to fill. Now if I had a dish washing staff, I'd probably bake every single day!
1. Video games. I really should've titled this blog "how I waste my time". When I was young I has bad issues with hand-eye coordination. Well, my aunt and uncle got me a Nintendo for Christmas, and that was the end of that. Now I have mad skills that would put a 14 year old boy to shame...lol! Matt and I each got a Nintendo DS, and we lay in bed at night and play. I'm not the only girl I know that likes them! Jenny Hardy. She's insanely good, and really competitive. She's the only girl I know that likes video games as much, and more-so than I do. BTW, Jenny, they're coming out with Zelda for Wii! I'm sure you can't contain your excitement! :-)
Regarding TLC...I think I've watched "I didn't know I was Pregnant" one too many times. Chris now has an irrational fear of my giving birth in the toilet.
My biggest issue with that show is wondering why in the heck you would want to go on TV, and tell everyone you had a baby in the toilet!? Bathroom floor, fine. On your bed, ok. Not in the toilet! I would pull that kid out of the toilet before calling anyone for help, and lie through my teeth!
Though the best episode is when the lady had the baby-- in her pants...lol!
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