Of course, my elation about my weight-loss (that sounded SO prideful, but I'm not trying to be, I'm just excited!!) turned into anger about Matt's car being broken into. I know it happens to everyone, but this is the 4th time. I feel so violated, and was on the verge of tears tonight. Maybe that's a little bit dramatic, but I live in a pretty sheltered little world, and I don't really think about being the victim of a crime. Sure, I'm glad all they did was break into the car, and we're OK, but it makes me feel really unsafe. You hear the news about the Stockton area being so awful as far as crime is concerned, but it's different when it actually happens to you. Plus, now Matt has no radio, which makes me sad, considering he drives 40 minutes each way to work, and back home. Matt would give someone the shirt off of his back, so it makes me mad that someone could just steal something of his... it's going to cost about $4oo to fix everything-- the broken vents from them (unsuccessfully) trying to pry the stereo out, the broken trunk lever, and a new faceplate. All for an almost worthless faceplate that might make someone all of $5. Plus, Matt always parks in front of the cameras at work, so whoever did it was caught on tape.
I did get to hang out with some like-minded friends tonight. That always makes me feel good. So many people like to debate about biblical things, and while I believe that it can be healthy, I think it can also be a waste of time. It's a fine line, that I sometimes cross when I'm *very* passionate about something (like justice, and being real). However, even if your passionate, there is always another facet. I believe we don't have all the answers, and also believe that two people with differing opinions can both be right.... They can also both be wrong. As long as you're talking to people that are humble in spirit, and come into a conversation with the idea that sharing your opinion, rather then forcing it is the right way to go, it can be fruitful, and I believe you can ponder things you may not have even thought of before. I love it!
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