Saturday, May 3, 2008

Our new backyard....


Well, It's not official yet, but we're hoping to make it official soon. We've considered moving since before we were married (when I almost moved to the midwest for a job). We need some breathing room that we don't have here. No one knows where and few people (not even family) know that we're intending on moving or leaving by the end of summer. There are huge up-sides to getting out of here and one huge downside. People who know me, know what the downside is, but we can work that out. It will be hard, but it will be okay.

We're excited more then anything. New adventures, new friends (though we will miss most of our friends dearly), new jobs and hopefully a new church. Also, we're planning on buying a house soon after we get there. We've already been shopping for one.... EXCITING!!!

Anyway, we're planning our trip to Disneyland. Jasmine has never been, so we promised we'd take her as an 8th grade grad gift. We're all excited! She's going to die when she gets there. We're going to try to make it extra special for her!

Anyway, I must walk the dog, See you soon!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So pretty!!

Have fun in Disney!!