So, I'm officially thinking about going back to school... EEK! Considering last week I wouldn't even consider it, the more I think about it, the mores it feels like the right thing. I think that I've been jaded by the education system. 6 years to get a BA (no I wasn't a slacker, I just couldn't always take full time classes because to had to work a lot) and I honestly learned very very little. Not only that, but getting a BA is pretty much obsolete anymore, unless you're going to be a teacher, or in the medical field or something. Communications...not so much. Not that I don't think education is important! I just think that the gen-ed classes you have to take in college are the same things you learned in high school, and are useless in a field where you're not going to use them. College should be two years of study in the field you want to get into. Sure, some people are going to forget the basics they learned, but why not let everyone take a test to see what they're skills are, and only take mini classes to refresh? Anyway, I digress.
So what would I go to school for? My thought right now is maybe becoming an RN. Sure, I hate going to the doctor, needles, and of course-hospitals. However, I would love to do public health education. I would love to work with teenage mothers, and teach them how to care for their babies, or maybe even be a L&D Doula, or a Post-Partum Doula. I love to serve people, and could see myself fitting in well in a position like that. So we'll see. I would have to take a million Bio courses, even though I've taken some before because I would want to really want to be refreshed (and lets face it, it's been a long time!).
Besides, if Matt can do it (and he is, and I'm SUPER proud of him) I can do it...right?
Hey Sarah! I just read your post about school! You should totally do it! It is so nice to have that background for whatever comes up! You never know. I was a Lay-doula a couple of times and it is very rewarding and exhausting! You would be great as a community service educator. Also, there are sooo many pregnant moms working hard to stay clean and sober. They always need counselors for them. They also need pre and postnatal educators! I have considered that many many times. Whatever you choose will be OK, but if you are really thinking about it, I will try to encourage you. I just started back last semester. It isn't easy, but I know it will be worth it. (and I am only working on my Associates right now!)
Sandi, thanks for the encouragement! It's so daunting because school for me is so hard! I love to learn, but I always struggle to keep up. I know i can do it though, I just have to really get geared up!
I think you would be so great in a health education class! You're friendly, and relatable! I've done the lay-doula thing too, and loved it! From what I hear though, you don't even have to have a degree. I should probably look into that before I make this huge decision... :-)
I'm SO proud of you for going back though!! You are stronger then I, for sure!!
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