I'm tired. How tired was I last night? Tired enough to get home, fall asleep in my clothes, on the couch, with no blanket or pillow, and not wake up until 10:57am, and I still made it to church by 11:10am... :-) Of course I threw some clothes on, ran a brush through my hair, and did my make-up in the car. I still had lines on my face from sleeping on my hand when I pulled into the parking lot! classy! Lol! My husband was nice enough not to wake me up to get me to come to bed, because he knows that once I get woken up, it's SO hard for me to go back to sleep! It's been crazy this week with Matt's uncle passing away (which has been extremely hard on everyone! He was a well loved man!!) and my birthday, and trips back and forth to the airport, and house sitting for my in-laws, and work on top of all of the everyday things like laundry. It's just been hard to keep up.
Yesterday Matt worked a late shift, so I went to our couples group game night "single". While it was fun, I still felt awkward. Because I was alone, teams were uneven and people had to skip turns here and there. I felt like attention kept being drawn to the fact that I was by myself. I miss Matt so much when he's gone. I mean, everyone at game night was really nice, I just don't think I would go back alone because of how awkward it makes me feel. Not because anyone made me feel awkward, but because it's just a strange situation.
Then today, I was alone in church. I feel like I'm alone so often. Typically, I like my alone time, but I guess with everything going on the last week and a half, I don't want to be alone. I know that Matt and I are just in this season of life where we're trying to figure everything out, trying to plan our future (too bad God usually has other plans) but it just seems like things keep coming up to derail our efforts. It's ok and we're fine and more in love then ever, I just miss him when is at work. Last night he worked until almost midnight, then had to be back at 8am. Days like that always take their toll on us. You can see why I didn't marry anyone in the military! I couldn't last a day!
It's only 2:30pm now, and I'm already wanting a nap. But there is work to do, and time moves forward even when we feel like we want it to stop for 5 minutes. If I had a superpower, I'd stop the world and melt with you... :-)
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