Ok, so I'm slightly obsessed with my dog. I love Sammy (Mobster dog on the left) my in-laws dog too! However, Scout is mine and Matt's baby. One day we'll have human babies, but for now, we are in love with our sweet dog. Around 8 every morning (if Matt and I aren't already up by then. we have strange work hours)he jumps on our bed and cuddles up with us. He carries Matt's socks around the house, and brings us one of his toys when we walk through the door (if he wasn't with us, that dog goes everywhere!!). We can't keep him out of the water, he's a fury water baby! We love him!
Matt and I have been having the baby conversation a lot lately. Not because we're planning anything soon (we're not!) but because we're getting to the age where all of our friends are having babies. We're not the type to do something because everyone else is doing it, and don't respond to outside pressures, but we do think about it more then we would if no one around us had babies (like a brand new baby Micah I'm going to see today!!). Anyway, Matt was saying that having a dog makes having a baby seem less scary. I laughed! I must say we do have the poop, puke, whine, everything in the mouth, into everything part down pat. ;-)
Until that day comes though, we are happy with our sweet pooping, puking, whining, chewing, bundle of fury joy!
Oh my gosh!!! That pic is sooooo funny!! Did you write this so people will stop asking you if you are pregnant? So are you? j/k/ Whenever it does I know you both will make amazing parents and I am glad seeing Micah and all our struggles has not made you change your mind about having kids!! :)
Well Nikki, I've been meaning to tell you that I'm not pregnant, but Matt is! I know, big shock, but with medical advances these days just about ANYONE can get pregnant....
Don't worry about scaring us out of having kids! Micah is mild. In fact, I know I have someone to call who has been there when our time comes! I think you and Nathan are really great parents, and we probably feel less scared being around you and seeing the way you handle things!
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