My heart is filled with so much love for my husband. A love that grows daily. He's not just my husband. He was never just my boyfriend. He is my very best friend. I know very well how wonderfully blessed I am to have married such a great guy. Matt is so caring, and loving, and loyal. He has a deep desire to do the right thing by everyone, and follows through with it. He loves his family, and is always there whenever they need him. He has a sensitive spirit, and cares deeply about people. Those things are so attractive to me. He's not afraid to be honest, and even though that doesn't always make him popular, it goes hand in hand with doing the right thing by people. Not in flattery, but with his exceedingly genuine spirit. He lives out his faith, and is not a "I can quote Scripture/C.S. Lewis so that makes me a good Christian" Christian. He is an "I live out my faith, but am honest about my failures" Christian. I can't tell you how much I respect that!
A few months ago, Matt and I were out with my Pastor, Glen and his wife, Jani, for my birthday. Glen said something I won't forget. He said "I love how you guys just love to be together." that sums it up pretty nicely. We do just love to be together. We still dream of running away, and never looking back. We love to have fun! Matt is so fun-loving, that no day is the same as the day before. He loves me out loud. Not passively, but in an actively passionate way. He serves me in ways I didn't know I needed, and usually figures out what I need before I say a word. He is my "Good and perfect gift". A lover, a gentle leader, a rock, and my very best friend. I couldn't ask for more.
The last few years have been trying. We've both faced obstacles, and hurt, and frustration, and have struggled. I would be lying if I said our first years of marriage were easy. Our lives can be pretty complicated. Matt has been there 110% for me throughout all of it, and all I can hope is that I have been to him what he has consistently been to me.
So to my husband-- happy birthday! I love you, and want nothing more then to spend every single birthday you have with you until you're 150! :-)