Tuesday, March 26, 2013

An Invitation...

I'm still on track to go to Vet School, and I'm really excited. I'm taking the GRE next month, and while I'm nervous about the math because math is NOT my strong suit, I've also been studying really hard, and have scored well on my practice software, which makes me happy. Going back to school after thinking my years a a student were done has been a daunting experience. I wasn't confident that I could do it, but now I'm feeling good. I can absolutely do this! I find myself retaining more medical information than I ever thought I could retain. I'm constantly playing "Diagnose this patient" on a Veterinary website. Whenever I come across terms I don't know, I start researching them. I love problem solving. I've been able to write some articles, and have had two published! One on effective client communication, and one about working with rescue groups. I feel passionate and accomplished. Most of all, I feel happy!

I emailed a Veterinary professor from UC Davis last week to ask a question about one of his classes. He told me I should just come up and see for myself, and invited me to sit in some classes! So next month Im making the trip to Davis to visit their brand new teaching facility, and sit in on some classes. I'm so excited! Then I'll be attending their annual picnic with some friends/alumni to check out the program more. Even though Davis is not my first choice, I'm really looking forward to at least seeing what they have to offer!

It's nice to see dreams become realities. I've worked hard my whole life, yet never quite knew what I wanted to do. It's nice to have it figured out!

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