My biggest issue is that Christians continue to say awful things about Barack Obama. This angers me. Mostly because if we REALLY believe that God is in control, and we have faith, then we should also know that regardless of who is leading our country, God is still God.
So many people are complaining that Obama is not a Christian. I for one, refuse to judge his heart. To be honest, I don't really know where his faith lays. But what good are we doing as Christians, bashing the man to death about our own religious beliefs? Are we showing him that Christians are caring, and encouraging, or that we're a group of harpies that dislike anyone with beliefs other then our own? That we're constantly critical. I'm not saying we have to agree with things that are blatantly against what we believe. I'm simply saying that hurling insults at him, and always saying he's so "un-American" because he doesn't believe exactly what we do, will not bring him any closer to God. It's just really stupid. And considering that he's here for at least the next 4 years, maybe we should rally around him with prayer. Not the fake prayers for our country because we think that Obama is taking it to hell in a hand basket, but real prayers for his administration, for his family, for his leadership. He is a person, he has a soul and that soul matters to God.
I could take the argument further and say that Barack Obama is in office because Christians do a lousy job of representing Christ, so people don't realize that importance of Christian values in our country, and vote accordingly. I could say that people are anti-Christian because a lot of people have very negative experiences with Christians, and Church, so they refuse to entertain anything a Christian has to say. Of course, by saying that I would be saying that President Obama is not a Christian, and again, I don't know that.
I'm just learning that it is not the Gospel of Christ that I'm ashamed of. However, I am increasingly ashamed to be associated with Christians that demonstrate such public hatred to people that believe differently then they do. Would God be caught saying nasty things about our President, or would he be loving him into the kingdom? Just a thought.
I love our country, and will continue to support the ones that lead it. It's not like there is much to complain about here. I am SO thankful for my birthplace!!
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