Sunday, June 15, 2014


I've finally found my home-improvement second wind. I was so burned out by the end of last year that I just quit. I am finally tired enough of eating at the coffee table to finish our dining room. 

I'm pretty obsessed with black and white stripes. My vision for that room was always white walls, black stripes and blue/teal accents. I now have that wall! I am no interior decorator, but its fun to see my vision start to come together. 

We sold our dining room table last year before we moved. It was never my style, and I knew I didn't want to lug something I hated to our new place. I have kept an eye out for a cool antique table that I could refinish, and finally thrifted a great one today. I knew a modern rectangle table would make that room look WAY too modern for my taste. 

I'm excited to see it finished!! 

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