Saturday, May 18, 2013


Dang, owning a house is work!



But seriously! This week we decided that we would try to get everything done. We failed. Turns out working on a house that has been vacant for over two years is only slightly within our spectrum of ability thus making it just easy enough to do ourselves, and hard enough to wish we had hired someone.

We were so thankful that so many people offered to help us sand our floors, paint and clean up the
yard. Then our house closed and the offers stopped.  Ha! That fact made this week interesting! It's okay, really. Slowly but surly as people that said they'd help backed out, our appreciation for our house grew. Strange, but true. Matt is SO proud of the floors he painstakingly sanded all on his own. While Matt has been working on the livability, I've been working on the look of everything, and making it feel like our home. Picking out paint colors, planting flowers and visiting every decorating blog known to man. Not to mention carefully picking and choosing through my Pinterest boards. It's honestly been great!

While we haven't moved in, we're just SO excited. It's a new journey for us. A welcome journey in a slew of unwelcome journeys we've been walking through. Both a bit of brightness and a bit of a
distraction. When you've been walking through fog for so long, you start to forget that the good stuff is out there too-- it just doesn't always come easy. Sometimes you have to trudge through all the crap first. It reminds me of a trip to LA Matt and I took a few years ago. We left on a foggy January evening, and drove through horrible fog for hours with no end in sight. I can hardly describe how great it felt when half-way over the Grapevine it was suddenly clear! It was like a weight lifted, and we both took a big breath because up until that point it was intense. That's how we feel now. A big sigh of relief. It's a nice change of pace!

I sure hope the feeling stays for a while!

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