Monday, November 30, 2009
Saturday, November 28, 2009
I feel better today. I just have to remind myself daily that some people aren't worth my time, or energy. I can't say I'm not angry, because I am. Sadly, some people are just selfish, and it doesn't matter how much you give if all they're willing to do is take, and then twist what you give into something it's not. I know who I am, and what my intentions are, and I'm not going to let one sadly mistaken person bring me down again. I do things I do out of love. Not because I'm trying to prove something, not because I'm trying to compete, not because I'm trying to be prideful. I like to serve people. It brings me joy to be able to do something for someone else. It's sad that someone can use that against you. It's especially sad that it could come from another Christian. I'll never understand how this person can say mean, hurtful things to my face and not expect me to internalize them, yet he can take my actions that have nothing at all to do with him, and internalize them. But whatever, I can't understand what doesn't make any sense.
I think Christmas is going to be nice. We're going to spend all of it with my family, which we've haven't done in a long time. It will be nice to avoid the Christmas runaround, and just stay in one place for the whole day. Plus, there is no drama at my aunt and uncles, in fact, it's totally nice to be there. People are considerate of one another, and are happy to be together. I'm really looking forward to it!
We put up the tree last night. It's beautiful! Putting the tree up is one of my favorite Christmas things to do. We went out to get the tree, and it was pouring rain! That didn't stop us! We were determined. We got it home, drank hot cocoa (complete with mini marshmallows) while decorating, and then watched Elf. It was everything I wanted! I'm thankful that things went well, and that despite everything that has been happening, we were able to have a good time.
Friday, November 27, 2009

I just don't get it when people want to say what they want to say, but they refuse to own it, or they expect you to somehow decipher this gibberish talk into something with substance. Then they say things in honesty, but want you to figure out what situations to apply it to. High expectations much? How is it that someone can say tons of hurtful things to you, and then tell you that it's your fault for taking it personally? This blatant attempt to try to wiggle out of the effect of the words they say is astounding. I'm the bad guy for taking what someone said, and being hurt by it, but the person who said it doesn't have to take responsibility. That is what's really "unfair". I was punished because of things this person thought about me, even though the thoughts were nothing more then a byproduct of their own insecurities, mixed with some distorted thinking. I was bashed, blamed for everything, and all for no good reason. Everyone swept it under the rug, and pretended it never happened, but I was left to pick up the broken pieces. I'm still dealing with the aftermath of that whole mess. But of course, no one is willing to say that they were wrong. They just pretend like it never happened. I think that's what hurts the most-- this idea that they don't care about the hell I was put through-- that Matt was put through over me doing NOTHING (no really, nothing. Like my very existence is enough to bring up hate) . Wait, that sounds a little "unfair"!
So apparently now I stole his family from him. Nice. Because that's just the kind of person I am-- a "home-wrecker". Once again I am the scapegoat. Because it's way easier to blame someone else for the state of your family situation, then to actually see it for what it is. Like everything was perfect, and jolly before I came around? So when they say "nice guys finish last", they're right. Where did all of this come from? Me being "Nice" and "helpful". I was nice to someone, and they liked me. So now, I'm being punished for that. Heck, I've been punished for that for years. Of course, I can't control this person choosing to not be a part of his family. Of course, now the problem is Matt, but what about the other people this person doesn't make any effort with? Like nieces, nephews, cousins, and siblings? I'm sure that our decision to be a part of their lives is just a ploy to take the whole family over one by one and get them to like us more. Muhahahahaha! My plan is working... Because it couldn't be for any other reason, right? RIGHT??
So a quick recap-- I was called unfair for being upset that someone treats me badly, blames me for things I didn't do, and says awful things to, and about me, who almost ruined my relationship with Matt, and says it's all my fault for taking what he says personally, and for being nice because now people like me more then him. If this is what being "liked" more feels like, I would hate to be "disliked" because this is quite hellish. I just wish I could be myself without someone deciding what my intentions are for me. I have my own family. Family members that love and care about me, that would gladly have Matt and I over for Thanksgiving-- sans drama, or leaving people out. That would never take me being helpful and being a threat, but instead see it as me just being me. Heck, I have friends that don't think the worst of me, and know that I'm not this monster, and aren't grasping for straws looking for someone to blame for their own issues. So I guess this is that last time I'm spending a holiday with someone that refuses to see beyond their own warped thinking. Sad, really.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009

My favorite time of year is here! Cool weather, leaves changing and falling, rain, and of course, the holidays. I already feel this anxiousness, and anticipation about Thanksgiving and Christmas! Some of my fondest memories are waking up Christmas morning, and having breakfast with my Aunt and Uncle, Grandmother, and cousins. Going around the room, and opening gifts one by one. The whole family would come over, and we'd spend the whole day together. Nowadays, it's not quite the same. A lot of stuff has happened in my family, and so there is only a small group of us that get together. It's still nice. Not quite the same, but still nice. I wish my whole family would still get together, but I still enjoy the time with my aunt (she is incredible, and is good at making things special) uncle, cousins, and of course, the hub. Matt's family is going though a lot of changes too, so things are a tad bit awkward, but we try to spend equal time with everyone.
Matt and I have some of our own Christmas traditions. We get our Christmas tree the day after thanksgiving, exchange a new ornament every year , name our tree (we're super dorky), we decorate it while listening to Christmas music, and drinking hot cocoa. We light it when we're all finished, and just sit and look at it for what seems like hours. There is just something that feels magical having a giant tree twinkling in all it's glory in your living room. Then we watch a Christmas movie (Last year it was elf-- and I'm guessing it will be the same this year because we love it). Christmas eve we exchange Pajamas, and then open our gifts and stockings early Christmas morning. Christmas eve and day are crazy because we try to spilt our time so we can see both of our families. So we spend the moments we have alone cherishing the time, and remembering the reason we celebrate to begin with.
I'm always interested in the special little traditions other people have to make the season more special. Feel free to share-- as long as you're ok with someone else "adopting" some of your ideas! :-)
Monday, November 16, 2009
Long time coming...
I haven't forgotten about blogging. In fact, I've sat here and typed a million times, and then never published one. Most of the times words are easy for me, but they've become harder for me in more recent days.
I can't describe how much I love our little family. My husband and my dog. My most peaceful moments are laying in bed, talking to Matt, with our sweet dog laying at our feet (or on occasion, right in-between us). We're constantly in dysfunctional situations with family, so it feels so good to be just us. To have a moment to breathe, and reflect and dream with my husband. We're still looking for a house, which I'm hoping we'll find sooner rather then later. I'm hopeful that there is something out there that is perfect for us.
Matt is still plugging along in school. I'm proud of him! School doesn't come easy for him, but he is pushing through, studying hard, staying late to ask questions, and passing his classes with flying colors. Not to mention, he's working full time on top of that, and still makes it a point to make time for me.
I'm doing freelance work-- which is slow right now. I'm looking for another job, even considering going back to subbing. I don't think I'm going to, but if I have to I will. I'm thinking about going back to school to get my teaching credentials. We'll see... I don't want to go back to school.
Life is crazy. My life is always crazy! Hopefully one day soon things will calm down, and we can catch our breath a bit. For now, we're just trying to roll with whatever comes our way.
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