Saturday, May 23, 2009

Bite Me!!

Ok, so I need to do this blog tonight! Excuse me while I gripe! :-)

Bite me: Insomnia! Seriously, it's 3:23am, and I haven't been able to fall asleep at all! I have to be up at 7am! Go the heck away, and let me get some sleep! You annoy me!

Bite me: Cat that always sleeps on my car. Not only am I tired of my car having cat hair stuck to it, but I saw the scratch marks on my trunk, and I'm not happy. I like animals, but find another bed, please?

Bite me: Mom. Don't go around telling people you want to have a relationship with me, but you don't know how to contact me. Stalking me on social networking sites doesn't constitute wanting, or having a relationship, and you can send someone a message, even if they're not your "friend". Plus, I've enjoyed not having you around. I'm finally getting over all the crap you did to me as a child, so please, just leave me alone! I can't have a relationship with you right now... really!

Bite me: Laptop. I really don't want to pay $100 for a new battery... Just work!!!

Bite me: People that insist on sucking the life out of me. I don't answer your calls because I HATE talking on the phone. Not because I don't like you, not because I don't want to listen to you, but because if I talked to you 5 minutes ago, I don't need to talk to you again.

Bite me: cancer! You keep going after people in my life, and I'm sick of it. You SUCK and I can't wait until they develop something that kills you for good!

Bite me: Cell phones. You're evil!

Bite me: People that feel like it's ok to give me diet tips, or make reference to my weight. Yes, I know I'm not skinny, but you trying to pressure me into doing whatever crazy diet your on does not help! I'm losing without you. Slow and study wins the race, fad diets are short term! Why try to get healthy if you're not going to be healthy about it?

Bite me: Starbucks. I love you, and depend on your for survival on some days (like tomorrow) but $4 for coffee? You're sucking the bank account dry!

Oh, I feel SOOOOO much better. Just had to get that off of my chest! Fell free to do your own "bite me". You'll feel SOOOO much better!!


Sarah Yanagi said...

Ummmm...I hope on not one of the "diet" people you're referring to. (You're not super-obese, Sarah.) I'm an idiot sometimes.

Sarah said...

No, not at all! I don't mind it from people that have been there, and are actually trying to be helpful! Usually it's people that have been thin their entire lives, and tell me how they "keep their figure" over Chicken Crispers, and lava cake at Chili's, why I sulk over my stupid side salad, and water. It makes me homicidal! ;-)

The other "offender" is the fatty that is giving me advice when they haven't stuck to a diet for more then a day... or the friend that had Gastric Bypass, and now acts as if she knows everything about losing weight. If I had my stomach cut out, I could lose weight too...

I always know you're joking around! Heck, you inspired me to jump back on the weight-loss wagon! You have done SUCH a great job!

Oh, and I'm slightly embarrassed by the typos in this post... I really have to remember to proof read... lol!

Sarah Yanagi said...

Aw, it's fun to know that I've inspired such a fantastic, inspirational person like you Sarah! I know, my favorite is when my mom tries to give me adive...Ugh, puh-lease. I love you friend and I'm so proud of you! Doing this the healthy way is paying off, no?