Rewind to yesterday.
I was having a bit of a rough morning. A (very) stupid argument occurred with a family member, and I left feeling frustrated, and totally defeated. I was on my way to work, and needed to stop to get gas. I normally pay at the pump, but a week and a half ago our bank account was hacked. They wiped our account clean, and we're still cleaning up the mess. We don't have new ATM cards, so I went in and paid cash. I came out, and started pumping our gas. I noticed I had a Starbucks cup that needed to be tossed, so I collected it, and a few other pieces of trash to deposit in the bin. Then I got in the car, started it, and drove away.
I. Drove. Away.
I heard what sounded like something rolling off of the roof of my car. Then I happened to glance in my side-view mirror.
It was the fuel nozzle and hose STICKING OUT OF MY GAS TANK!! The entire hose was pulled off and stuck in my car.
I get out of the car, and everyone is staring at me. That's when the tears came. Followed by sobs. I completely lost it! I take the nozzle out of my car, and start walking back into the gas station. They give me some paperwork to fill out, but I'm crying so hard I can't even read it. Thankfully it happened at a gas station I go to often, and the ladies are super nice. They assured me that it happens all the time. One of the ladies even got me something to drink. I paid the $200 to replace the part that was broken, and walked out.
The police were there. Oh Dear God!
This officer had no idea what he was dealing with. As soon as he asked me what happened, I start sobbing again. I couldn't help it. He stops questioning me, and tells me everything is going to be okay. Ha! Then he told me I could go, but to sit in my car for a bit to calm down.
Have I mentioned Matt is working out of town all week? Just my luck. So I'm trying to calm down, while driving to work, but I needed to talk to Matt about what happened. As soon as he picks up I start sobbing--AGAIN! He couldn't understand what I was saying, and when I finally got it out, I could tell he was trying not to laugh at my misfortune. He assured me that it was all going to be okay, and asked if I wanted him to come home. I didn't. I would've felt worse knowing he left work because of my stupid mistake!
I get to work, and try my best to avoid everyone until I can clean myself up. That didn't happen. As I'm retelling the story, I'm alternating between crying, and laughing. By that point I felt so emotionally unstable that I didn't know what to think.
The moral of the story; Matt is pumping my gas from now on.